Step into the realm of myth and legend with our Arais Ranger Tunic -...
The Torin Aluminum Riveted Chain is a light-weight chain armour, ideal...
Step into the realm of myth and legend with our Arais Ranger Tunic -...
The Captain Belt Shields provide proud, sovereign protection and are...
The Captain Belt Shields provide proud, sovereign protection and are...
The 'Porthos Sword - 43in - LARP' is a high-quality latex blade handmade...
Epic Armoury’s Woodland Tunic is inspired by designs from the Viking Age...
The Tyranids are unlike any other race to be encountered by Humanity. They are the ultimate predators; to them all living things, from the lowliest insect to the most advanced civilisation, are mere prey. Check out the collection in our Telford gaming store.
Keep track of how many spells you've cast in LARP or how many models you've killed to get those Warhammer 40K objectives.
A scuttling swarm of shooting predators for your Tyranids army Builds 10 Termagants with a variety of living guns, plus a Ripper Swarm Includes grotesque special weapons like the shardlauncher and spike rifle
Warhammer 40,000 is a fast-paced and explosive tabletop wargame. Will you choose to play as the mighty Space Marines, the all-consuming alien Tyranids, or one of the many other unique factions of warriors, aliens, machines, and monsters? Amidst the raging fires of a galaxy at war, collect, build, and paint your evergrowing army, then play nail-biting...
Neurogaunts scuttle forward in seething masses, driven on by the parasitic neurocytes that cling to their backs. Their primary purpose is to protect the synaptic node-beasts coordinating invasion swarms, while projecting their command signals throughout the wider swarm. It is a task they go about with single-minded savagery, slashing, biting, and dying...
Von Ryan’s Leapers are swift, agile Tyranid bioforms, cunning hunters and stealth ambushers that are especially lethal when fighting in dense terrain. Packs of Leapers lie in wait like living mines, lurking at the optimum locations to cause as much damage as possible. When they sense the perfect time to strike, they burst forth to butcher all around in a...
A Psychophage stampedes into battle at a frightening speed. They devour any prey organism in their paths, but especially favour those victims with psychic abilities. How they metabolise such esoteric powers is unclear, but doing so allows them to project surges of psychocorrosive ash that deflagrate their victims’ minds and souls.
A seething swarm of leaping shock troops for your Tyranids army Builds 10 Hormagaunts with scything talons, plus a Ripper Swarm Close the distance and drown enemies under a tide of chitin, claws, and fangs
These Game Inn - Muzzle Flashes / Spell Effects are designed to take your miniatures to the next level. Accessorise your models by attaching the translucent flashes, blasts and bolts to the guns, wands, staffs and hands on your figurines, and either leave them in their natural-translucent resin or paint them up to match your aesthetic.
These Game Inn - Muzzle Flashes / Spell Effects are designed to take your miniatures to the next level. Accessorise your models by attaching the translucent flashes, blasts and bolts to the guns, wands, staffs and hands on your figurines, and either leave them in their natural-translucent resin or paint them up to match your aesthetic.
Your essential guide to devouring the galaxy with the Tyranids 120 pages of in-depth rules, epic art, and terrifying xenos lore Includes Crusade and Combat Patrol rules, 47 datasheets, six themed Detachments, and more