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Posted in: "2021"

  • LARP Chainmail Maintenance, Storage & Repairs
    LARP Chainmail Maintenance, Storage & Repairs
    2745 Views Liked

    If you’re thinking about buying chainmail, you’ve got some that’s in desperate need of TLC or you’re just interested in reading guides - this article runs through some of the basics of chainmail ownership. So, let’s get started….

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  • Leather LARP Costume Maintenance, Storage & Repairs
    Leather LARP Costume Maintenance, Storage & Repairs
    2365 Views Liked

    Natural leather products have been used for centuries and are very durable, but regular maintenance, good storage and leather care keeps your kit flexible and increases their life. Here at Larp Inn, we provide maintenance and repairs for leather items regularly but generally there is a lot of things that you can do at home to look after your Larp kit.

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  • What is LARP or LRP?
    What is LARP or LRP?
    1769 Views Liked

    If you haven’t been LARPing, it can be very difficult to understand how and why such a hobby works. Describing live action role play in an exciting and understandable way is no easier! However, LARP, or LRP as many people prefer to call it, is an incredibly immersive and diverse hobby that unites thousands of people from across the world. In this article, I’m going to try and break LARP down into its key components to give a clearer picture of fundamentals that make these events work. There...

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Showing 10 to 12 of 13 (5 Pages)