In our games room above our LARP shop, we stock and host Warhammer 40,000 alongside many other table-top wargames and...
Step into the realm of myth and legend with our Arais Ranger Tunic -...
The Torin Aluminum Riveted Chain is a light-weight chain armour, ideal...
Step into the realm of myth and legend with our Arais Ranger Tunic -...
The Captain Belt Shields provide proud, sovereign protection and are...
The Captain Belt Shields provide proud, sovereign protection and are...
The 'Porthos Sword - 43in - LARP' is a high-quality latex blade handmade...
Epic Armoury’s Woodland Tunic is inspired by designs from the Viking Age...
In our games room above our LARP shop, we stock and host Warhammer 40,000 alongside many other table-top wargames and...
For the holiday season we're extending our return window to allow customers to buy gifts with enough time for...
Lots of customers get themselves confused as to which side their scabbard should sit for their sword. We get it! It's...
LARP weapon safety is incredibly important, but its also a very controversial topic and can be an intimidating...
This year we’ve been asking customers in store and online ‘What is one thing you wish you had known before you first...
Do you know we make stuff? Larp Inn is best known for reselling great products from European manufacturers at affordable prices online and in the field. However, many of our items are produced in house and the majority of our best-selling LARP weapons, leather products and gaming sets are handmade by us.
As with most things, hand-made kit is often considered superior to mass produced items. Furthermore, buying costume and kit locally really supports UK businesses and traders.
Jamie can normally be found in our leather workshop. Here he designs and produces a wide range of pouches, scabbards, bags and armour. Once designs have gone into circulation, Charlotte and Jamie share production of these items. All etching, dying and painting of our unique veg-tan designs are done by Harriett, in our ‘dying room’ – effectively, the room we do all our messy work in.
The rest of the time Jamie works on custom jobs. Over the years, Jamie has been approached to work on a wide variety of leather projects, some of which have become standard projects, others being extremely unique.
If you ever have an idea for something you need making in leather, get in touch – we’ll tell you whether it’s feasible and hopefully bring your ideas to life!
In our ‘dying room’ and spray room, we make and latex a large collection of LARP weapons and shields custom to Larp Inn. Harriett and Jamie share most of the foam craft between them, with Harriett working on construction, latexing and finishing the items, and Jamie designing and carving shields and weapons. All items we produce are listed under our latex weapon brand ‘Slash Inn’.
Latex weapons and shields are something we regularly get custom commissions for. We also do a lot of latex costume repairs. Again, if there is something you’re interested in – get in touch!
Gaming products is a new area of business for us, but we’ve already got a wide range of products designed with gamers in mind. We design, laser cut and 3D print here at Larp Inn. A few examples of our unique gaming products include resin miniatures, condition markers, turn trackers, dice trays, shelves and racks.
Our reputation for reselling is not unearned. We do sell lots of LARP goodies from Epic Armoury, Flexi Paint and Snazaroo, alongside products made by excellent UK manufacturers, Light Armouries and Darkblade. We also stock tonnes of gaming and hobby goodies in our gaming rooms: Games Workshop (Warhammer 40K, Sigma, Kill Team, Blood Bowl & Necromunda); Kings of War; Reaper Miniatures; Wizkids Nolzurs and Pathfinder Miniatures; Dungeon & Dragon Miniatures and Books; Citadel Miniature Paints; Army Painter Paints and modelling tools; Battlefield in a Box; Terrain Crate; Board Games; and Magic the Gathering.
Offering the vast range of products available from selected suppliers, at good prices and delivered easily through the UK is something we have no intention of changing.
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