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  • What is LARP or LRP?
    What is LARP or LRP?
    1769 Views Liked

    If you haven’t been LARPing, it can be very difficult to understand how and why such a hobby works. Describing live action role play in an exciting and understandable way is no easier! However, LARP, or LRP as many people prefer to call it, is an incredibly immersive and diverse hobby that unites thousands of people from across the world. In this article, I’m going to try and break LARP down into its key components to give a clearer picture of fundamentals that make these events work. There...

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  • The Larp Inn Games Room
    The Larp Inn Games Room
    1567 Views Liked

    The Larp Inn Games Room in Telford was opened as a space for us to play Dungeons & Dragons and large-scale wargames, like Warhammer 40K, Sigma and Kings of War. Now we regularly host game days and stock tonnes of goodies for people to come and browse.

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  • University Society Package
    University Society Package
    1500 Views Liked

    Here at Larp Inn, we know how difficult it can be to get new players into the fantasy world of LARP. Societies offer a great way into the hobby, but we understand that LARP is often expensive and students are often on a tight budget. This society package provides some ways societies can make LARP more accessible.

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Showing 16 to 18 of 22 (8 Pages)